How a girl’s search for the best pimple-fighting potion led her to CLEAN & CLEAR® ADVANTAGE® Spot Treatment Gel.
Honestly, I’ve never been the kind of girl who just left her spots alone. While I stopped pricking my pimples when I found out it could cause scarring, I’ve tried everything under the sun to get rid of them. Tough medicines didn’t give me quite the results I expected, so I turned to home remedies.
I tried the old toothpaste trick, but strangely, it just made my spots worse. I tried different types of homemade fruit masks, but none of them really made that much of a difference (some were delicious though). I guess the home remedy that did work best for me was the one with aspirin and water. I would crush some aspirin tablets, mix them with a few drops of water and apply the paste to my spot. I read somewhere that the reason aspirin works is because it has salicylic acid, which is a popular pimple-fighting ingredient. And while this did work for me sometimes, there were also times the homemade paste made my skin really red and dry. This freaked me out a little, so I stopped using it.
When I first came across CLEAN & CLEAR® ADVANTAGE® Spot Treatment Gel, I had my doubts. I had tried other medicines before just to be disappointed. But being extremely dedicated to finding the perfect spot solution, I gave it a go.
The handy tube packaging worked well because the opening was pretty small, making it easy to control the amount of formula that came out when I squeezed. Before bed, I applied the gel directly to my spots and problem areas, leaving out the parts of my skin that were clear. Then I went to sleep.
When I got up in the morning, I rushed to check if my spots were any smaller. And I couldn’t believe that they were. While the formula didn’t erase them completely overnight, all it took were a few more applications. And while my acne has pretty much cleared up, I still get the occasional spot or two. That’s why I always have a tube of my favourite pimple potion on hand.
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