a bright smile draws attention away from problem areas

Skin Care Tips

You wanted everything to be perfect for prom, yearbook photo day, or your cousin’s wedding. But you wake up with a nasty surprise – a spot right in the middle of your face! Don’t let that stop you. Here are some easy skin care tips that make any bad skin day better.   

The Best Daily Skin Care Routine for Good Skin

1. Get clean skin.

Wash your face with a cleanser that has pimple-fighting ingredients, like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. It might not banish the spot right away, but it can start killing bacteria and reducing inflammation.

2. Use green concealer.

Green make-up? Sounds silly, we know. But green concealer was designed precisely to balance out the redness of your pimples. So apply it directly to your spot.

3.Cover it up.

No one wants to walk out of the house with uneven, green blotches all over their face. For more coverage, apply an oil-free foundation that matches your skin tone. Remember to blot with loose powder so your make-up won’t slide off oily skin. 


Want to draw even more attention away from your pimple? Flash those pearly whites! Never let a blemish stop you from having a great day.