blackheads form when clogged pores are expose to air

How to to Avoid blackheads?

Avoiding close-ups because of those pesky blackheads? Find out what’s going on so you can take the spotlight back.  

What are blackheads?

Blackheads are small black dots that appear on your skin.

Why do blackheads appear?

Like spots, blackheads can show up when excess oil on your skin blocks pores. When the oil and dead skin cells are exposed to air, they turn black.

Can you squeeze your blackheads?

It’s tempting, but resist the urge! Squeezing out blackheads might actually make more of them, because your hands carry more bacteria and oil that can clog pores.

Which is the best cleanser for blackheads?

By keeping your face free from bacteria and excess oil. Exfoliate regularly, use only oil-free skin care and beauty products and wash your face with a good cleanser.

Cleansers with salicylic acid get rid of the excess oil on your skin, keeping those unwelcome blackheads away. CLEAN & CLEAR® Blackhead Clearing Daily Scrub works like a charm for blackheads removal.